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Mesa Supporters

of the

Gifted and Talented


General Information


Upcoming Events

Gifted Glossary

2E - Twice Exceptional



News & Highlights:

3/7/2011  application deadline for the 2011 Barrett Summer Scholars Program  

3/26/2011  AAGT Parent Institute 
at ASU - great information for parents

SENG Webinars - various presentations on social/emotional needs of gifted children

2E - Twice Exceptional 

Some children are both gifted and have learning disabilities.  These children can be referred to as 'Twice Exceptional' (2E) and often present unique parenting and educational challenges.

As described in the 2e-Twice Exceptional Newsletter, "The term [twice exceptional] refers to the fact that some gifted children are exceptional both because of their strengths and because of their limitations.  Coupled with high intelligence, these children also may have one or more learning disabilities, attention deficit, emotional or behavior problems, or other types of learning difficulties."


Additional resources:

Arizona Twice Exceptional

2e-Twice Exceptional Newsletter

MSGT is a non-profit organization and is not affiliated with any city, state, private, or charter school.  MSGT is run solely by volunteeers. All MSGT events are open to the public, regardless of city or district, and are intended to benefit gifted and talented students, their parents or guardians, and educators.